
“It is not Christianity which need fear the giant universe. It is those systems which place the whole meaning of existence in biological or social evolution on our own planet. It is the creative evolutionist, the Bergsonian or Shavian, or the Communist, who should tremble when he looks up at the night sky. For he really is committed to a sinking ship. He really is attempting to ignore the discovered nature of things, as though he could make himself forget the inevitable downward trend in the universe as a whole, the trend to low temperatures and irrevocable disorganization; for entrophy is the real cosmic wave, and evolution only a momentary tellurian ripple within it.”

(Lewis, C.S., God In The Dock: Essays on Theology and Ethics, © 1970 by The Trustees of the Estate of C.S. Lewis, Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, Chapter 3: Dogma and the Universe, p. 44)

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